Developing the bioeconomy by unlocking the potential of European rural areas
The Biorural project aims to accelerate the integration of circular bio-based solutions in European rural areas. These solutions are promoted in particular through the creation of a European network related to the rural bioeconomy.
The main activities of this project include:
- Assessment of the current status of the European bioeconomy
- Identification of factors affecting the uptake of innovation and diffusion of bio-based solutions
- Creation of a European rural bioeconomy network
- Assessment and promotion of bio-based solutions in rural areas
- Knowledge exchange and capacity building for the rural bioeconomy.
- Development and optimisation of an online tool open to stakeholders (BioRural Toolkit).
- Creation of rural development models for bioeconomy businesses.
- CERTH (Greece)
- DELPHY (Pays-Bas)
- Valorial (France)
- NaturePlast
- IZES (Allemagne)
- Université d’Aarhus (Danemark)
- IUNG-PIB (Pologne)
- Université Vytautas-Magnus (Lituanie)
- Université d’agriculture de Lettonie
- AVEBIOM (Espagne)
- Université de Coimbra (Portugal)
- Centro da Biomassa para a Energia (Portugal)
- AIEL (Italy)
- FSH (Greece)
- InCommOn (Greece)
- Université de Ljubljana (Slovénie)
- ALGEN (Slovénie)
- GEA (Roumanie)
- Green Growth Platform (Macédoine du Nord)
19 partners
Budget: €3m
Funders: European Commission (H2020)
Implementation period: 2022-2025
NaturePlast’s mission is to share its experience in the field of biosourced and/or biodegradable bioplastics. NaturePlast has access to a large network of technical partners, universities and institutions.